Gathr's Top 5 Kitchen Rules.

Rules and cooking have a complicated relationship. While rules can hinder creativity, they can also guide you to success. Here at the gathr space, we strive to help everyone be successful in the kitchen. That is why we have come up with a short list of rules (or guidelines) to follow in the kitchen.


1. Kitchen functionality:

The team at Riverwoods spends a lot of time thinking, preaching, and practicing good kitchen design. Functionality optimizes the kitchen space to make cooking much easier and more enjoyable for every cook. Even if you have no control over the construction of your kitchen, good organization of utensils, appliances, spices, etc. can help the flow and feng shui of your kitchen and even help you become a better cook.

2. Mise en place:

Mise en place is a french term that translates to “putting in place”. In kitchen terms, this means prepping all the food in your recipe before you start cooking. It also means reading through and knowing your recipe before you begin. Not only are you setting yourself up for smooth sailing, you are also helping yourself with clean up duty.

3. Salt.

The number one reason your food does not taste as good as it should is because of salt. This does not mean salting your food at the very end, but rather salting as you go. Because salt brings out the flavor in EVERYTHING, salting throughout the cooking process builds flavor and adds depth to your food. And yes, you should always salt your desserts. If you’re nervous about over-salting your food, the next rule should help.

4. Taste your food as you go:

If you ever go into a professional kitchen you will notice bundles of tasting spoons at every station. This is because a spoon is a chef’s best friend. All chefs must taste their food over and over to determine proper seasoning. Even if you are making a perfected recipe, taste as you go! This practice will help develop your taste buds, add balance to your dishes, and help you become a better cook.

5. A well stocked kitchen:

Stocking your kitchen with the right tools is necessary to making life easier in the kitchen. A sharp knife, a big mixing bowl, and the right pan can make all the difference. Every great recipe not only requires the right ingredients but also the right tools. Check out our list of our must-have kitchen tools—Gathr’s Kitchen Essentials.


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